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Category: Model-Driven App

Making a better User Experience with Power Apps component framework from sketch – Part 4 – The Final Showdown

You can read previous post Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3. Seeing is believing It took me 2.5 days to learn and figure out the design and new technologies I need to build the component. Less than half a day, the mock version of the component was completed. The component was loaded on the […]

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Making a better User Experience with Power Apps component framework from sketch – Part 3 – The Slow Start

You can read previous episode Part 1 – The Problem and Part 2 – The Sketch. The Slow Start I always take time to figure out the suitable frameworks and libraries, try them out and learn them, as the first stage, before building. That makes me a slow start. Sometimes, notoriously slow. It is, to […]

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Making a better User Experience with Power Apps component framework from sketch – Part 2 – The Sketch

Part 1 – The Problem can be found here. Time for Proof of Concept (PoC) I like building canvas app, for Proof of Concept (PoC) purpose. It is so easy. Drag and drop, a few clicks and formula, and then you can see the result. I thought of building a canvas app in the first […]

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Making a better User Experience with Power Apps component framework from sketch – Part 1 – The Problem

Since the public preview of Power Apps component framework (PCF), I always want to build a component that enhances the user experience (UX) in model-driven apps in Common Data Service (CDS) or Dynamics 365. Recently, I had an opportunity to build a component with Power Apps component framework (PCF) that will save several mouse clicks […]

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React – Extended boundary of Power Apps component framework

In previous post I demonstrated about how to use React with the former version of Power Apps component framework (PCF) by modifying PCF packages, which is unsupported. I am a strong believer that plain old JavaScript is a not a good choice when it comes to building moderately complex component that use DataSets, and as […]

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Power Apps component framework – Beyond the boundary

Note: I am going to write some dark magic with PCF. It is not currently supported by Microsoft. These are my personal findings. Views are my own. But if you want to dismantle PCF and want to test the boundary, then read further. Credit: Andrew Ly for his Number Button Selector control and feedback. Rami […]

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